Sight Word Fishing

Sight Word Fishing

  It’s Day 4 of our 30 Days of Reading Fun for Beginning Readers series. On Wednesdays during this series we will be focusing on sight words and/or vocabulary. This Sight Word Fishing activity is super fun and extremely versatile….

Pushpin Letters

Pushpin Letters

  It’s Day 1 of our 30 Days of Reading Fun for Beginning Readers series…and it is also a holiday weekend, so we are having a little fun with this first activity. This Pushpin Letters activity is great for promoting…

Dolch Sight Words

Dolch Sight Words

  Teaching sight words is one component of well-balanced literacy instruction. For many decades, we see a constant swing back in forth in the primary methods for reading instruction. On one end of the pendulum, we taught phonics as the…

Sight Word Bingo

Sight words are the most common words children will encounter when learning to read and often do not follow phonics rules (you can find some of the most common sight words, also known as “high-frequency words” here). Because of this,…

Roll A Sight Word

Roll and Read Sight Words Learning to recognize sight words (also known as high-frequency words) is one of several components of teaching a child to read (learn about the rest of them here). When a child automatically recognizes a sight…