Rainbows for Little Hands

Rainbows for Little Hands


With St. Patrick’s Day coming up, Rainbows abound all around! I have to admit…rainbows are one of my favorite crafts to make with the boys. Not only are they beautiful, they also offer a great opportunity to teach about color recognition!

Here are all of our Rainbow ideas from the past few years:


Paint Sample Rainbow

 Create this Rainbow Mosaic using paint chips!

Beaded Rainbow

Make a Beaded Rainbow!

Paint Sample Rainbow Fan

Create a paint sample rainbow fan!

Rainbow in the Snow

Have fun creating a Rainbow in the Snow!

 If you don’t have any snow, no problem! Make a rainbow in the grass. :)

Shiny Rainbow

Make a Shiny Rainbow with corn syrup paint!



Rainbow Magnet made by putting plastic beads in the oven

Make a rainbow magnet by melting plastic beads in the oven!

Rainbow Discover Bottles for Babies

Rainbow Discovery Bottles for Babies and Toddlers


And look for more to be added to the list prior to St. Patrick’s Day!

What is your favorite rainbow craft or activity? Leave your idea in the comments!



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