Making Shapes

I’ve seen lots of ideas floating around using variations of craft sticks and velcro. So rather than try to fancy it up, I thought I’d keep it simple and  show you how we used this idea to make various shapes!

Here’s what you’ll need:  craft sticks (I received mine compliments of Craft Project Ideas) and a package of Velcro circles.

1. Place the Velcro circles on each end of the craft sticks…just make sure you put one “roughy” (as Big Brother calls it) and one smooth one on each end.

2. Let your budding architect get busy!

Enjoy some open-ended fun with these! Once your makes a shape, be sure to point out the shape’s name and the number of sides.

Have fun!


  1. Just wanted to drop a note to let you know how much I appreciate your blog. I am constantly posting your activities to my Pinterest board. I have a 2yo and she has really enjoyed the pool noodle stringing and sensory boards (not too keen on the shredded paper sensory tub though). I’m planning to make the paint with water worksheets this weekend. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your ingenious ideas!!!

  2. I made these today with my 4YO. I also put a few velcros in the middle of the stick so that my older kids (8 and 9) could make their names…maybe even practice their spelling words!! Thanks for the idea!!

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